H. F. Wickham H. F. Wickham i(A18462 works by) (a.k.a. Henry Falkland Wickham)
Born: Established: 11 Mar 1860 At sea, ; Died: Ceased: 20 Mar 1936 Manly, Manly - Allambie - Curl Curl area, Sydney Northeastern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,
Gender: Male
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H. F. Wickham was a Sydney journalist. He worked for a number of years at the Evening News and at one point also wrote articles for the Red Funnel, a monthly magazine of the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand with content covering Australia and New Zealand. These included 'The Camel in Australia' (February 1906), 'Cockatoo Island and the Docks of Sydney' (April 1906) 'China in Sydney' (1 August 1906) and 'Motoring in New South Wales, With a Chat About the Evolution of the Automobile' (August 1907). During the 1920s he also wrote short stories and other pieces for the Sydney Mail.

Wickham was the son of Royal Navy hydrographer Captain John Clements Wickham (1798-1864) and his second wife Ellen (nee Deering). Wickham senior had served on H.M.S. Beagle during the 1830s and subsequently held the positions of Police Magistrate and Government Resident at Brisbane during the 1840s and 1850s. H.F. Wickham was born at sea off the Falkland Islands during his parents' return voyage to Britain.

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