Debbie Kruger Debbie Kruger i(A17181 works by) (a.k.a. Krug)
Born: Established: ca. 1962 Sydney, New South Wales, ;
Gender: Female
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Debbie Kruger holds a Master of Arts in Theatre Studies from the University of New South Wales. She began working for the New York based showbusiness newspaper Variety in December 1986 where she worked with David Stratton. Since the paper's inception, reviewers were given abbreviated versions of their real name, which were tagged at the end of their reviews. Kruger chose Krug.
For four years she covered the Australian television, radio, home video, music and live theatre industries and filled in on the film industry beat several times a year.
She has also worked as a dramaturg in London, in public relations, and compiled the book Songwriters Speak (2005).

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Last amended 9 Feb 2012 14:20:59
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