Carmel Maguire Carmel Maguire i(A17176 works by) (a.k.a. Carmel Jane Maguire)
Gender: Female
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Works By

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1 Being There : A Personal and Mostly Misty Memory of the Opening of the National Library Building Carmel Maguire , 2008 single work column
— Appears in: National Library of Australia News , August vol. 18 no. 11 2008; (p. 9-12)
1 Literary Pioneers Carmel Maguire , 1978 single work review
— Appears in: The Australian Library Journal , vol. 27 no. 6 1978; (p. 93-94)

— Review of Letters of Vance and Nettie Palmer 1915-1963 Nettie Palmer , Vance Palmer , 1977 selected work correspondence
1 y separately published work icon An Original Reaction from Art : An Analysis of the Criticism of A.G. Stephens on the Red Page of the Bulletin, 1894-1906 Carmel Maguire , Canberra : 1972 Z1252314 1972 single work thesis

'Most of the criticism written by A.G. Stephens is contained in his writings for The Bulletin between 1894 and 1906, and these writings appeared on what is usually referred to as "The Red Page". In fact this description is not quite accurate in that the front covers of the issues of The Bulletin for that period, on the verso of which "The Red Page" appeared, have faded to dull pink and it seems unlikely that they were ever nearer to red than bright pink at the time they were issued. Furthermore "The Red Page" was not so-called until 29 August 1896 although, under other titles, Stephens' work began appearing on the verso of the front cover of The Bulletin on 1 September 1894. In later years several variations of title were introduced, sometimes representing changes in the function of the page, at other times reflecting no more than the editor's whim. For the purposes of this study I have used the Red Page as a generic term to cover the whole period of Stephens' editorship, while attempting to indicate clearly the periods in which other titles were in use. The title, "The Red Page" was certainly the most enduring once Stephens began to use it in August 1896.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon A. G. Stephens as Critic. Carmel Maguire , Canberra : 1964 Z1252317 1964 single work thesis