Alcaeus Alcaeus i(A17117 works by)
Born: Established: ca. 640 CE ; Died: Ceased: ca. 560 CE
Gender: Male
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Alcaeus was, like Sappho, a lyric poet from the island of Lesbos. He lived in the latter part of the seventh and early part of the sixth century BC. He was a member of the old aristocracy of the island and its capital, Mytilene, and was a bitter opponent of the various low-born dictators who seized power from time to time. He was exiled at least once. Many of his poems are political.

Most Referenced Works

Last amended 8 Apr 2005 12:57:19
Influence on:
Drinking at Twilight John Bray , 1988 single work poetry
Drinking in Adversity John Bray , 1988 single work poetry
Drinking and Death John Bray , 1985 single work poetry
The Flight of Helen John Bray , 1988 single work poetry
Drinking and Depression John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
The Ship John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
The Ship Again John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
Political Prescription John Bray , 1989 single work poetry
The Gates of Spring John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
Fallacy John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
The Outlaw John Bray , 1990 single work poetry
Drinking in Winter John Bray , 1986 single work poetry
Drinking in Summer John Bray , 1986 single work poetry
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