John Donald Bruce Miller John Donald Bruce Miller i(A16345 works by) (a.k.a. Bruce Miller)
Born: Established: 30 Aug 1922 Sydney, New South Wales, ; Died: Ceased: 2011
Gender: Male
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Bruce Miller attended Bondi Public School and Sydney Boys High School. He worked, initially, for the Bank of New South Wales before becoming a radio announcer with the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC). While working with the ABC, Miller began an ecomonics degree at the University of Sydney. He went on to lecture at the university and at tertiary institutions in the UK. In 1962, Miller was appointed professor of international relations at the Australian National University; he remained at the ANU until his retirement in 1987.

Source: Toby Miller, 'Economic Mind Devoted Life to Political Debate', Sydney Morning Herald (15/02/2011): 24.

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Last amended 15 Feb 2011 12:57:05
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