Gloria Brennan Gloria Brennan i(A15407 works by)
Born: Established: 1948 Western Australia, ; Died: Ceased: 1985
Gender: Female
Heritage: Aboriginal ; Aboriginal Ngaanyatjarra
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'Gloria Brennan was a Wongai woman from Western Australia. She was a graduate of the University of Western Australia and worked for various organisations before moving to Canberra, working for the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the Public Service Board, before her tragic death from cancer in 1985. She is remembered as a major figure in Aboriginal politics and culture.'

The University of Western Australia is responsible for the administration and management of the Gloria Brennan Scholarships, named after the late Gloria Brennan, one of the first Aboriginal graduates of The University of Western Australia. The object of the scholarships is to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enrol on a full-time basis in an undergraduate course of study leading to a first degree, associate diploma or similar level of award at one of the public universities in Western Australia. Sources: Paperbark : A Collection of Black Australian Writings (1990) and

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Last amended 16 Jun 2017 13:52:54
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