The Friends of Arthur Machen The Friends of Arthur Machen i(A153502 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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The Friends of Arthur Machen grew out of the remains of the British Arthur Machen Society, which was originally formed in the 1980s. The membership of the Friends is very diverse, reflecting the very diverse currents which have drawn it together. Interest in mysticism, in the occult, in both paganism and Christianity, in the decadence of the 1890s, in the landscapes of Gwent, not to mention love of good reading and good living, are all very variously represented: in fact all that really unites the membership is admiration for a writer who has qualities not found elsewhere. Most members are English speaking, but membership is truly worldwide. The only necessary qualification for membership is an enthusiasm for the work of this most unusual writer. The Friends of Arthur Machen has a written constitution, and holds regular meetings which all members may attend if they so wish.

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Last amended 10 Apr 2018 13:26:17
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