An extract from the Prospectus of the Bacchus Marsh Express: 'We announce, then, in limine, that this journal will honestly and consistently support the political principles enunciated by the present Government when they took office, which they have so steadily essayed to carry out, and which we believe to be consonant with the sentiments not only of the greater portion of our own community, but of a large majority of the inhabitants of the Colony.
'This section of West Bourke being par excellence an agricultural district, we purpose devoting considerable portion of our space to subjects of special interest to the farmer... The special interests of the districts in which the Express is expected to circulate, will be faithfully and independently canvassed. Blackwood will be represented by an able correspondent; and the interests of that important mining locality regularly recorded. The proceedings of Shire Councils and District Road Boards will form prominent subjects of notice...
'The social interests of the community will at all times receive our most attentive consideration... While our columns will be at all times open to correspondents who have anything of interest to submit for publication, we shall take care to reject anything disclosing personal animus, or couched in improper language.
'Arrangements have been made for the regular publication of the reports of the proceedings of Courts of Petty Sessions, the state of the Markets, &e. A synopsis of the principal European News will appear in the Express after every arrival of the English Mail. Nor will the requirements of the family circle be overlooked. Instructive and amusing excerpts from the more popular periodicals will find a space in our journal.
Source: published on several occasions in the
Bacchus Marsh Express, including
28 July 1866, p. 4.