Lloyd Theodore Forster Clarke, born in the dormitory at the Lake Condah Mission, was the fourth child of Norris and Grace Clarke. In 1945, at the age of five along with other siblings, he was taken to Royal Park, Melbourne, Lloyd was never to see them again until later in his life. From Royal Park Lloyd was placed in the St Cuthbert's Boys Home, Colac where he began his elementary State school education. Lloyd's first family connection occurred in 1949 when his younger brother Ivan was placed in the Home, and both were sent to the Ballarat Orphanage in 1953 to be with their sisters Nancy and Norah.
After leaving the Ballarat Orphanage Lloyd began work on a farm at Tongala, northern Victoria, but was sent back to Ballarat where he stayed at a boys' hostel. Unhappy with his predicament, Lloyd went back to Royal Park, there he got a factory job. It was from here that he ventured to find more members of his family.