Tjirrkarli Community Members Tjirrkarli Community Members i(A150487 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Heritage: Aboriginal
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The small community of Tjirrkarli with a population of about 30, is located on the Ngaanyatjarra lands in the Gibson Desert, Western Australia. 'During 2010, 25 community members ranging from young children to senior traditional owners went on numerous field trips following the song line of the Ninu Tjukurrpa (Dreaming) and these aimed to recount the stories and songs of the Ninu. The purpose of these trips was to actively keep the Tjukurrpa stories alive and to create real life pathways for intergenerational transfer of knowledge. Painting took place both on country at one of the points where the Bilby had travelled and in the womens centre.' (Source: Indij Readers website,

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Last amended 12 Nov 2012 14:54:23
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