Edward Frederick Robert Bage Edward Frederick Robert Bage i(A148804 works by)
Born: Established: 17 Apr 1888 St Kilda, Salisbury area, Salisbury - Elizabeth - Gawler area, Adelaide, South Australia, ; Died: Ceased: 7 May 1915 Gallipoli,
Middle East, Asia,

Gender: Male
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'Edward Frederick Robert Bage was an engineer in the Royal Australian Engineers, and a polar explorer. He participated in Douglas Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition in 1912, where he served as astronomer, recorder of times and assistant magnetician, for which he was awarded the King's Polar Medal in 1915. He was then commissioned to serve in World War One, and was killed only twelve days after the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli, while marking out a trench line near Lone Pine, when he and his companions came under fire from five Turkish machine guns.' (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Frederick_Robert_Bage)

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Last amended 20 Aug 2012 12:16:16
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