Kim Mi-yŏng Kim Mi-yŏng i(A147886 works by)
Gender: Unknown
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2 y separately published work icon The Magic School Bus Expedition Down Under Rebecca Carmi , ( trans. Kim Mi-yŏng with title 신기한스쿨버스테마과학동화. 10, 비밀의새를찾아라 )with title Sin'gihan sŭk'ul bŏsŭ t'ema kwahak tonghwa. 10, Pimil ŭi sae rŭl ch'ajara ) Seoul : Piryongso , 2004 Z1870643 1998 single work children's fiction children's

'Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus gang head to Australia to take a walk-about in search of the cackling kookaburra and discover all the amazing animals of the Outback' (Source: bookseller's website).