Rebecca Carmi (International) assertion Rebecca Carmi i(A147883 works by)
Gender: Female
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American author Rebecca Carmi has a degree in semiotics and comparative literature from Brown University, a Master's in voice performance from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and a Master's degree and investiture from Hebrew Union College. As a Cantor she has served congregations in New York, New Jersey, California and Ohio. She has appeared in opera and recital in the US and abroad and is an often featured soloist for the Cantorate. She has also worked as an opera and chamber music singer, a book reviewer, and children's book writer. In 2003, Carmi retired from full time work as a Cantor to stay home with her children and pursue her life's dream of writing science fiction. Carmi has lived with her husband and their children in Brooklyn, New York.

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Last amended 4 Apr 2018 16:59:32
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