Xiaowen Yang Xiaowen Yang i(A147412 works by) (a.k.a. 杨筱雯)
Gender: Unknown
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Works By

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2 y separately published work icon Yoyo Goes Next Door Jeannette Rowe , Jeannette Rowe (illustrator), ( trans. Xiaowen Yang with title Youyou qu chuan men )with title 优优去串门 ) Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she , 2007 Z1864975 2002 single work picture book children's Yoyo visits his neighbours.
2 y separately published work icon Whose Family? Jeannette Rowe , Jeannette Rowe (illustrator), ( trans. Xiaowen Yang with title Shei de jia ren? )with title 谁的家人? ) Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she , 2007 Z1276996 2006 single work picture book children's "Whose family can you see? Whose family can they be? Children will love lifting the flaps to reveal who all the different family members belong to. Pick the family of the horse, the goat, the pig, and more!" (Source: Trove)
2 1 y separately published work icon My Mum Jeannette Rowe , Jeannette Rowe (illustrator), ( trans. Xiaowen Yang with title Wo de ma ma )with title 我的妈妈 ) Shanghai : Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she , 2007 Z1228693 2005 single work picture book children's This flap book reveals why mothers are so special. (ABC Books)