Chen Yude Chen Yude i(A147022 works by) (a.k.a. 陈余德)
Gender: Male
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14 59 y separately published work icon Looking for Alibrandi Melina Marchetta , ( trans. Zhang Jianping et. al. )agent with title Shao nü xun fu )with title 少女寻父 ) Beijing : 人民文学出版社 , 2006 Z88038 1992 single work novel young adult (taught in 4 units) 'Josephine Alibrandi is seventeen, illegitimate, and in her final year at a wealthy Catholic school. This is the year her father comes back into her life, the year she falls in love, the year she discovers the secrets of her family's past and the year she sets herself free.' (Source: Back Cover)