Loreley Morling Loreley Morling i(A146725 works by)
Gender: Female
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The great-grand niece of nineteenth century Australian actor, Harry Leston, Loreley Morling has had extensive experience as a librarian and in genealogical and historical researcher. Based in Perth, Western Australia she has given workshops on numerous family history topics, including writing family history and assisted others to prepare their books for publication.

Among the many articles and family history booklets Morling has written are From Convict Origins: 150 Years of an Australian Family (1989), 'The Fulham Brothers-Fenians' (1994), 'Harry Leston: A Versatile Showman' (1997) and A Very Different Type: The True Story of a Recalcitrant Journalist (2000), A Clareman's Journey to the Antipodes: John Daly and his Family from the 1820s to the 1950s (2007), Laurence Fulham: A Short but Adventurous Life (2007), 150 years of an Australian Family. Daniel Holland: The Legends Unravelled (2008), and The Tale of a Silkweaver and Carpenter: John Simmons from Somerset (2010).

Morling has also edited Family Reflections: Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc Silver Anniversary Anthology, Memoirs of Giovanni Perrella (1999).

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Last amended 27 Apr 2012 13:25:17
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