Jan Punch Jan Punch i(A146237 works by)
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1 form y separately published work icon Premiere Michael Cove , Steve J. Spears , Noel Robinson , Robert Caswell , ( dir. Mary Lancaster et. al. )agent Sydney : Australian Broadcasting Commission , 1980 Z1851609 1980 series - publisher film/TV science fiction

Another of the ABC's now-obscure anthology programs, Premiere ran to only four short episodes. The program combined experienced script-writers with directors who had never worked on television before: at least two of the directors (Mary Lancaster and Peter Fisk) went on to work more extensively in television.

According to Moran in this Guide to Australian TV Series, the four episodes were 'Partners', 'Friends of the Family', 'Mr Elvey's Friday Nights', and 'And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth'. Of these, only the latter is speculative fiction: it covers, according to Moran, 'the future faced by a wealthy industrialist who is cryogenically brought back to life after his death'.