Hoodlum Entertainment Hoodlum Entertainment i(A145544 works by) (Organisation) assertion
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Queensland-based production company, with a particular focus on long-form, serial story-telling and interactive media.

Hoodlum's first major television program was Secrets & Lies, the story of a man who became the prime suspect in a murder investigation, when he found the body of a neighbourhood child. The program was then adapted by the American television company ABC (in association with Hoodlum) as a vehicle for Ryan Phillipe and Juliette Lewis; the American version followed the Australian version for its first series, before branching off into a second series, with the same lead detective but a different crime.

Hoodlum then became involved with the Irish-Canadian production Vikings, creating the companion series Athelstan's Journal, an exclusive (but inter-connected) series starring characters from the main series.

In association with Hewlett Packard, Hoodlum created a mini-documentary series called Bend the Rules: the five-part series focused on young artists who used technology in their art-making.

in association with the ABC, they produced The Strange Calls. Other Australian television series with which they have been involved include Conspiracy 365, Dance Academy, and Slide: for most of these programs, as with Vikings, Hoodlum was responsible for ancillary material, primarily online. Similar content was created for international productions, including Primeval (the Primeval Evolved website), Emmerdale (the 'Who Killed Tom King?' interactive mystery), Spooks (an online narrative adventure), Lost (the 'Dharma Wants You' interactive campaign), and Texas Rising (the online companion series The Lost Soldier).

in 2017, Hoodlum announced that they had planned a television series adapted from Maria Lewis's Tommi Grayson books.

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Last amended 27 Apr 2017 12:06:46
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