Marta Poljanšek Marta Poljanšek i(A145483 works by)
Gender: Female
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2 9 y separately published work icon The Story of Tom Brennan J. C. Burke , ( trans. Marta Poljanšek with title Zgodba Toma Brennana ) Slovenia : Zaloz̆ba Mis̆ , 2007 Z1257999 2005 single work novel young adult (taught in 5 units)

'A powerful story of love and loss, secrets and revelations - and making sense of a past that once seemed perfect.

'For Tom Brennan, life is about rugby, mates and family - until a night of celebration changes his life forever. Tom's world explodes as his brother Daniel is sent to jail and the Brennans are forced to leave the small town Tom's lived in his whole life. Tom is a survivor, but he needs a ticket out of the past just as much as Daniel. He will find it in many forms . . .' (Publication summary)