'Queensland Arts Council (QAC) is the peak body for regional arts in Queensland and celebrated its 51st anniversary with a new trading name: "Artslink Queensland". Artslink Queensland aims to be the "go to" organisation for regional arts that connects, represents, adds value and is the engine room for innovation and creativity in Queensland.
'Artslink Queensland will connect artists and communities through the arts in Queensland. This builds on our fifty year history of regional arts, exhibitions, schools and adult performing arts touring across Queensland.
Our mission statement "Inspiring Arts in Queensland" re-enforces the new direction. "Inspiring Arts" is descriptive of the type of arts we showcase - uplifting, encouraging, exciting, moving, affecting, stirring, stimulating, rousing, exhilarating, heartening... - in one word inspirational!' Source: http://qac.org.au/ (Sighted 16/02/2012).