Slovart (International) assertion Slovart i(A144288 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: Bratislava,
Eastern Europe, Europe,
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26 8 y separately published work icon The 13-Storey Treehouse Andy Griffiths , ( trans. Olga Kralovic̆ová with title Megadom na strome. 13 poschodí ) Bratislava : Slovart , 2019 Z1797251 2011 single work children's fiction children's adventure 'Who wouldn't want to live in a treehouse? Especially a 13-storey treehouse that has a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of sharks, a library full of comics, a secret underground laboratory, a games room, self-making beds, vines you can swing on, a vegetable vaporiser and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots your favourite flavoured marshmallows into your mouth whenever it discerns you're hungry.

'Two new characters - Andy and Terry - live here, make books together, and have a series of completely nutty adventures. Because: ANYTHING can happen in a 13-storey treehouse.' (From the publisher's website.)
3 y separately published work icon A Thousand Perfect Notes C. G. Drews , ( trans. Runka Žaludová with title Tisíc dokonalých tónů ) Prague : Slovart , 2019 13514236 2018 single work novel young adult

'Beck hates his life. He hates his violent mother. He hates his home. Most of all, he hates the piano that his mother forces him to play hour after hour, day after day. He will never play as she did before illness ended her career and left her bitter and broken. But Beck is too scared to stand up to his mother, and tell her his true passion, which is composing his own music - because the least suggestion of rebellion on his part ends in violence.

'When Beck meets August, a girl full of life, energy and laughter, love begins to awaken within him and he glimpses a way to escape his painful existence. But dare he reach for it?'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

20 32 y separately published work icon Stasiland Anna Funder , ( trans. Kristina Zdichyncová with title Stasiland : příběhy ze země za berlínskou zdí ) Prague : Slovart , 2013 Z1001793 2002 single work non-fiction (taught in 5 units)
— Appears in: Reader's Digest Encounters : Real Life Reading 2006; (p. 9-174)

To write this non-fiction work about life in the former East Germany, Anna Funder interviewed former Stasi officers and the people they surveilled. Described in the National Library of Australia record as 'A book of travel, history and biography that reads like a documentary novel,' Stasiland takes 'a deliberately subjective and "literary" approach' to its material with an 'emphasis on a sympathetic authorial persona as the source of the reader's perspective' (Susan Lever 'The Crimes of the Past: Anna Funder's Stasiland and Helen Garner's Joe Cinque's Consolation'. Paper delivered at the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) conference 2006).

19 48 y separately published work icon The Broken Shore Peter Temple , ( trans. Jana Kantorová-Báliková with title Prekliate pobrežie ) Bratislava : Slovart , 2007 Z1207328 2005 single work novel crime (taught in 9 units)

'Joe Cashin was different once. He moved easily then; was surer and less thoughtful. But there are consequences when you've come so close to dying. For Cashin, they included a posting away from the world of Homicide to the quiet place on the coast where he grew up. Now all he has to do is play the country cop and walk the dogs. And sometimes think about how he was before.

'Then prominent local Charles Bourgoyne is bashed and left for dead. Everything seems to point to three boys from the nearby Aboriginal community; everyone seems to want it to. But Cashin is unconvinced. And as tragedy unfolds relentlessly into tragedy, he finds himself holding onto something that might be better let go.'
Source: Publisher's website (Sighted 22/8/11)