엄혜숙 엄혜숙 i(A144195 works by) ( Eom Hye-sook ) (a.k.a. Eomhyesuk)
Gender: Unknown
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4 1 y separately published work icon Good Night, Me Andrew Daddo , Emma Quay (illustrator), ( trans. 엄혜숙 with title 모두 모두 잘 자! ) Seoul : 여원미디어 , 2018 Z1207080 2005 single work picture book children's 'Someone's ready for bed, but it's going to take a long, long time to say goodnight. A baby orang-utan is sleepy and it's time for bed, but not before saying 'Good night, me,' from head to toe.' (Source: Author's website)
3 1 y separately published work icon Prudence Wants a Pet Cathleen Daly , Stephen Michael King (illustrator), ( trans. 엄혜숙 with title 애완동물을 키우고 싶어요 ) Paju-si : 웅진씽크빅 , 2012 Z1894090 2011 single work picture book children's

'Prudence wants a pet. Desperately.

"No," says Dad, "pets cost too much to keep."

"No," says Mom, "pets make noise."

'But Prudence is determined. She finds her own pet. It is a…branch. But Branch isn't exactly the pet of her dreams, and neither are Twig, Mr. Round (a car tire), or her baby brother Milo.

'Poor Prudence. Will she ever find the perfect pet?'

Source : publisher's blurb

8 38 y separately published work icon The Rabbits John Marsden , Shaun Tan (illustrator), ( trans. 엄혜숙 with title 토끼들 ) South Korea : Bluebird Child Publishing Co , 2004 Z139449 1998 single work picture book children's (taught in 11 units)

"The rabbits came many grandparents ago.

They build houses, made roads, had children.

They cut down trees.

A whole continent of rabbits..." (back cover)

An allegorical story using rabbits, an introduced species, to represent the arrival of Europeans in Australia and the subsequent widespread environmental destruction.

2 4 y separately published work icon Mr. Archimedes' Bath Pamela Allen , Pamela Allen (illustrator), ( trans. 엄혜숙 with title 아르키메데스의 목욕 ) Kyŏnggi-do : Kids-M , 2002 Z667646 1980 single work picture book children's 'Every time Mr Archimedes has a bath with his friends, the water overflows. Somebody must be putting extra water in the bath. Is it Kangaroo? Or is it Goat or Wombat?' 

(Publication summary)