Gimin Gimin i(A144193 works by) (a.k.a. 김인)
Gender: Unknown
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Works By

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12 15 y separately published work icon The Dead of the Night John Marsden , ( trans. Gimin with title 악몽의 밤 ) Tokyo : Sol Book , 2011 Z91026 1994 single work novel young adult

'Hell is still the safest place on earth.

'When you've run out of choices, you've only got yourself.

'As war rages, as the enemy closes in, as Ellie and her friends fight for their lives, they are left with nothing. Nothing but courage, spirit and pride' (Source: bookseller's website).

11 21 y separately published work icon The Third Day, The Frost John Marsden , ( trans. Gimin with title 죽음의 서리 ) Seoul : Sol Book , 2011 Z543366 1995 single work novel young adult

'What's the biggest danger you can think of? This is bigger. What's the toughest challenge you can imagine? This is tougher. What's the greatest fear you have?

'You're about to find out.

"How long do you think they'll keep looking for us?" I asked Lee, as we lay there.

"Until they find us," he answered grimly.

'They came in summer. They fell upon the land swiftly and suddenly. Through autumn they spread, like locusts, like mice, like a plague. Now it's winter. They're still here. But so too are Ellie and Homer and their friends.' (Source: Trove)