A correspondence regarding the identity of this author took place in the pages of the Australasian Chronicle. A Nathan Joseph, storekeeper, of Patrick's Plains [Singleton], New South Wales, complained to the editor of the Australasian Chronicle that he was not the writer of 'Murrurundi' published in the Chronicle, 1 April 1843.
'Mr Nathan Joseph ... has called on us, and left his autograph. His name or signature is not that of the correspondent from Murrurundi that appeared in our last number. We regret that our correspondent should thus annoy Mr. Nathan Joseph, and we make him this amends honorable.' ['Untitled'], The Australasian Chronicle (4 April 1843): 2
However in correspondence addressed to 'Mr Nathan Joseph, of Patrick's Plains' published in the Chronicle (20 April 1843): 2, the correspondent asserts that there is a Nathan Joseph of Murrurundi. 'Nathan Joseph of Murrurundi disclaims all connections with, or affinity to, any other Nathan Joseph ...'