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1 y separately published work icon In Good Hands : The Life of Dr Sam Stening, POW Ian Pfennigwerth , Woollahra : Bellona , 2012 Z1852177 2012 single work biography

'In Good Hands is the biography of Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Samuel 'Sam' Stening, DSC, Royal Australian Naval Reserve.A paediatrician, like his three brothers Sam joined the services at the outbreak of war. He chose the RAN and served in the Indian Ocean and then in the famous 'Scrap Iron Flotilla' in the Mediterranean, where his ship, the Waterhen, was sunk in June 1941.

Posted to the cruiser Perthfor her final deployment to Java and sinking in Sunda Strait on 1 March 1942, although wounded, Sam found himself plunged into the POW doctoring experience upon his rescue by a Japanese destroyer.

This was only the start of a gruelling three and a half years of captivity, during which he served in eight POW camps in Japan. With few medical supplies, his ingenuity, and some surprising help from Japanese civilians, Sam battled the effects of extreme weather, constant punishment, overwork, starvation, and disease on his patients.

After liberation, physically and mentally exhausted by his experiences, Sam drew on the strength of his wife Olivia and the support of his family to re-establish himself in paediatrics, and rose to the top of his profession. A stalwart of the Women's Hospital in Crown Street, where an intensive care ward was named after him, and of the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, Sam helped gain professional respect for his specialty, establishing it as a 'proper' field of medicine, until his death in 1983.(Back Cover).

13 32 y separately published work icon Dog Boy Eva Hornung , ( trans. Barbara Cendrowska-Werner with title Chło Pies ) Warsaw : Bellona , 2011 Z1552114 2009 single work novel (taught in 2 units)

'Abandoned in a big city at the onset of winter, a hungry four-year-old boy follows a stray dog to her lair. There in the rich smelly darkness, in the rub of hair, claws and teeth, he joins four puppies suckling at their mother's teats. And so begins Romochka's life as a dog.

Weak and hairless, with his useless nose and blunt little teeth, Romochka is ashamed of what a poor dog he makes. But learning how to be something else...that's a skill a human can master. Fortunately - because one day Romochka will have to learn how to be a boy.' (Publisher's Blurb)

24 56 y separately published work icon Theft : A Love Story Peter Carey , ( trans. Maja Kittel with title Złodziejstwo czyli Historia miłosna ) Warsaw : Bellona , 2006 Z1244799 2006 single work novel humour (taught in 5 units)

From the two-time Booker Prize–winning author and recipient of the Commonwealth Prize comes this new novel about obsession, deception, and redemption, at once an engrossing psychological suspense story and a work of highly charged, fiendishly funny literary fiction.

Michael 'Butcher' Boone is an ex-'really famous' painter now reduced to living in the remote country house of his biggest collector and acting as caretaker for his younger brother, Hugh, a damaged man of imposing physicality and childlike emotions. Together they've forged a delicate equilibrium, a balance instantly disarrayed when a mysterious young woman named Marlene walks out of a rainstorm and into their lives. Beautiful, smart, and ambitious, she's also the daughter-in-law of the late great painter Jacques Liebowitz, one of Butcher's earliest influences. She's sweet to Hugh and falls in love with Butcher, and they reciprocate in kind. And she sets in motion a chain of events that could be the making--or the ruin--of them all. (Source: Trove)