Ian Tyrrell Ian Tyrrell i(A142645 works by)
Gender: Male
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'Ian Tyrrell was (1991 to 1996) editor of the Australasian Journal of American Studies, and President of the Australian and New Zealand American Studies Association, 2002—06; and President, Alcohol and Drugs History Society (2004-06). He has been a visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris; and Joyce Appleby (Visiting) Professor of United States History at the University of California, Los Angeles, Fall 2009; and served as the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professor of American History in the University of Oxford for 2010-11 (the first non-American appointed); and was appointed a Professorial Fellow of the Queen’s College, Oxford.' (Source: The Australian Academy of the Humanities website)

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Last amended 10 Mar 2015 15:53:25
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