Mirjana Adamović Mirjana Adamović i(A142554 works by)
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24 87 y separately published work icon Gould's Book of Fish : A Novel in Twelve Fish Richard Flanagan , ( trans. Mirjana Adamović with title Guldova knjiga o ribi : roman u dvanaest riba ) Belgrade : Narodna Knjiga , 2005 Z912793 2001 single work novel (taught in 4 units) 'Once upon a time that was called 1828, before all the living things on the land and the fishes in the sea were destroyed, there was a man named William Buelow Gould, a convict in Van Dieman's Land who fell in love with a black woman and discovered too late that to love is not safe. Silly Billy Gould, invader of Australia, liar, murderer, forger, fantasist, condemned to live in the most brutal penal colony in the British Empire, and there ordered to paint a book of fish. Once upon a time, miraculous things happened'. (Source: Trove)