Ian Wotton Allnutt Shevill Ian Wotton Allnutt Shevill i(A14238 works by) (a.k.a. Ian Shevill)
Born: Established: 11 May 1918 Broken Hill, Broken Hill area, Far West NSW, New South Wales, ; Died: Ceased: 3 Nov 1988
Gender: Male
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Ian Shevill was the son of Ebson James Shevill, a mining engineer, and Gertrude Allnutt. He was educated at Scots College, Sydney and at the University of Sydney, gaining a B.A. in 1939 as an evening student and an M.A. in 1945. He studied for a B.D. and was ordained at Moore Theological College. Shevill was a postgraduate student in Japanese history at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1948-1950. He worked for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K.) before returning to Australia and was awarded a Th. D.in 1953. Shevill was attracted to a catholic tradition in the Church of England.

Shevill took up his first position in the Church of England as curate, St. Paul's Church, Burwood 1940-1945. He was secretary of the Australian Board of Missions, Queensland 1946-47 and was appointed Bishop of North Queensland on 19 April 1953 at the age of thirty-five. He married June Stephenson in 1959 and, following her death in 1970, Margaret Ann Brabazon in 1974. Shevill became Assistant Bishop of London 1970-1973 and Bishop of Newcastle in 1973.

(Source: Back Cover, Going It-With God : Prayers in Prose and Poetry, Sydney: Reed, 1968; Ian Shevill Half Time (1966))

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Last amended 28 Apr 2008 15:04:34
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