Recounting the history of the Pyrenees area of Victoria, the December 1931 issue of The Home determines that: 'One of the natives in this district deserves to be immortalised, for he was in every certainty the first [A]boriginal to become a pastoralist. This native, who was called Billy Billy, with the assistance of a number of his tribe, drove off a considerable number' of sheep belonging to pastoralist, William John Turner Clarke (1805-1874). Billy Billy subsequently 'formed a station of his own at a place afterwards known as Billy Billy's Water Holes. Here Billy Billy made a bush-yard and shepherded his sheep during the day and yarded them, just as the white men did, at night. It was a pity that such a laudable undertaking should be frowned on. If Billy's sheep yards had not been discovered, and the sheep recovered, we might have to-day his descendants amongst our sheep-barons.'
(Source: The Home, December 1931)