The Independent The Independent i(A139404 works by) (Organisation) assertion (a.k.a. Independent Theatre; The Independent Sydney)
Born: Established: 1911 North Sydney, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales, ;
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'The Independent Sydney Pty Limited is a subsidiary of The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust (AETT), proud owners of Sydney's oldest extant Theatre, The Independent at 269 Miller Street North Sydney.

'The Independent is listed, as an item of regional significance, in the Heritage Schedule to North Sydney Council's Local Environmental Plan. Part of the current building dates from 1886 when it was built as a cable tram terminus and depot. In 1911 the building was converted into two auditoria by North Sydney Coliseum Limited.

'In 1939 the site became the home for Doris Fitton's Independent Theatre group which pioneered creative theatre in Sydney providing over 400 productions of plays ranging from Shakespeare to Noel Coward, from Anoulth and Christopher Fry to the sensational premier of Sumner Locke-Elliot's Rusty Bugles, initiating the Australian theatre industry.'

Source: The Independent's website,
Sighted: 12/04/2011

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Last amended 9 May 2018 16:48:21
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