'Richard Lynford' is the pen name of Eric Waters who was born at Birminghem England, in 1919. He came to Australia in 1920 and later attended the Hampton High School, and Castleton College, Victoria.
At one stage, Waters had 14 jobs in ten years, but stated that he didn't like any of them. At the outbreak of World War II, he attempted to join the R.A.A.F. but was rejected because of slight deafness. He attempted to join the Army but was again rejected. Three days later he tried again at another depot and was passed only to be discharged three months later as being unfit. He then succeeded in being passed for Home Service but was discharged before he even got into uniform. After that he gave up trying to join the forces and worked on munitions for the rest of the war.
Source: The Western Mail, July 11, 1946 p17