Manuel Varela Manuel Varela i(A135811 works by)
Gender: Male
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1 La antorcha hispanica i "Una antorcha en honor a la memoria", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 13 October 1965;
1 2 y separately published work icon La Crónica La Cronica : Weekly Spanish Newspaper Manuel Varela (editor), 1964 East Melbourne : La Cronica , 1964-1966 Z1723650 1964 newspaper (25 issues)
1 Ripios de la semana i "Dificil de sujetar", Manuel Varela , 1966 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 6 April 1966;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Ya se oye la algarabía", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 24 November 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Según datos de Canberra,", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 29 September 1965;

This instalment of 'Ripios de la semana' develops the theme of 'migrant return'. In this same issue of La Crónica, an editorial titled 'De mal en peor' [From bad to worse] made the point that an increasing number of migrants are returning to their country of origin, disenchanted with their circumstances in Australia and the falling value of the Australian pound. The poem comprises six stanzas, each concluding with the question '?...Nos vamos o nos quedamos?' [Do we go or do we stay?]

1 Ripios de la semana i "Muchas veces no comprendo", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 8 September 1965;

This poem asks that if a place dedicated to Walt Disney's creations is called 'Disneyland' and a place with an abundance of birds might be called 'birdland', then why is Australia not called 'workland', or 'savingsland'? Each of the stanzas of this poem ends with another suggestion, from 'rabbitland' and 'unhappyland' to 'piesland' and 'beerland'.

1 Ripios de la semana i "!Esto es un disparate!", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 1 September 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Yo no sé si la causa es por mania", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 18 August 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Con ese duelo entablado", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 11 August 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Es curioso comprobar", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 4 August 1965;

The poem comments on the economic hardship facing working-class migrants, who after paying for rent, utilities and other bills, don't even have enough left over for bus-fare [Pues cuando pagas la renta, / los plazos, el gas, la luz... / no te queda de la cuenta / ni el gasto del autobus]

1 Ripios de la semana i "Si se siente interesado", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 28 July 1965;

The poem bemoans the economic hardship of migrants, especially those from Spain who have arrived in Australia, it seems, 'three days after the fiesta' [tres dias después de la fiesta].

1 Ripios de la semana i "Se observa más cada dia", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 15 July 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Unos estamos aquí", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 8 July 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Se basaba en el engaño", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 1 July 1965;

This poem comments on the difficulties for Spanish migrants of learning English and the reliance on 'pointing the finger' as the basis of 'Emigranto', the common tongue of migrants to Australia.

1 Ripios de la semana i "Es muy corriente decir", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 24 June 1965;

This poem comments on the apparent disunity and 'regionalism' of the Spanish migrant community in Australia, with various clubs and 'homes' for Spaniards from different regions ['otro club para andaluces / y hasta un 'Hogar madrileño'].

1 Ripios de la semana i "Los españoles llevamos", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 17 June 1965;
1 Ripios de la semana i "Todos al venir pensamos", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 3 June 1965; (p. 4)
1 Ripios de la semana i "Pocos españoles quedan", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 27 May 1965; (p. 4)
1 Ripios de la semana i "Se fueron los 'holiday'", Manuel Varela , 1966 single work
— Appears in: La Crónica , 26 January 1966;

The poem comments on the end of the holiday period and the beginning of work for the coming year [1965]. It includes one stanza remarking on the benefit to come in February with the proposed changes to closing hours for pubs and bars in Victoria.

1 Ripios de la semana i "Reuniones y mas reuniones", Manuel Varela , 1965 single work poetry
— Appears in: La Crónica , 13 May 1965;

This poem comments on the proposed changes to closing hours for pubs and bars in Victoria.