Thorsten W. Torngren Thorsten W. Torngren i(A132244 works by)
Gender: Male
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2 1 y separately published work icon Innocent Desires E. L. Grant Watson , ( trans. Thorsten W. Torngren with title Där ute : noveller ) Stockholm : Norstedt , 1925 Z947968 1924 selected work short story
2 10 y separately published work icon The Desert Horizon E. L. Grant Watson , ( trans. Thorsten W. Torngren with title Vid öknens rand ) Stockholm : Norstedt , 1923 Z36883 1923 single work novel Roslynn Haynes comments: 'The Desert Horizon and its sequel Daimon closely mirror Watson's own inner struggle to come to terms with the desert as a metaphysical experience. The two central figures, Martin O'Brian (who came to the desert as a child of eight and identifies wholly with it) and his English wife Maggie (who arrived in Australia as a young woman and finds it appalling) re-enact in their vexed relationship the inner turmoil of Watson's alternating fascination with and revulsion from the land.' Roslynn Haynes, 'Dying of Landscape: E.L. Grant Watson and the Australian Desert', Australian Literary Studies 19.1 (1999): 35).