'Firebird is a science fiction and fantasy imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. specifically designed to appeal to both teenagers and adults. Launched in January 2002, it resulted directly from Editorial Director Sharyn November's ongoing work with teenagers in libraries, schools, and online; she soon discovered that...some of her most avid readers were devoted to speculative fiction, and spent equal amounts of time in the teen fiction and adult genre sections. Firebird is now considered the premier crossover genre imprint, and November has been named a two-time World Fantasy Award Finalist in the Professional category. Firebird titles are both paperback reprints and original hardcovers. Reprints are drawn from PGI's children's and adult imprints; outside hardcover houses; and the backlists of the Firebird authors themselves. All have covers by adult genre artists, and feature short essays by their authors. Firebird's hardcover titles are especially unique to the imprint - short novels by some of the biggest names in the field, such as Diana Wynne Jones and Charles de Lint; and the award-winning original short story anthologies Firebirds and Firebirds Rising (a 2007 World Fantasy Award Finalist), which will soon be followed by a third, Firebirds Soaring. Overall, Firebird publishes between twelve and eighteen books each year. Firebird titles have won the World Fantasy Award, the Newbery Honor Medal, the National Book Award, the Locus Award, the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the Philip K. Dick Award, and have been New York Times best sellers. The Firebird website - www.firebirdbooks.com - is an integral part of the imprint. It offers a first-chapter archive, a cover gallery, and a wide variety of links. Readers can sign up for the Firebird newsletter for periodic updates, and (if teenagers) ask to be part of the active teen advisory board. Firebird: Where fantasy takes flight!™ Where science fiction soars!™'
Source: http://us.penguingroup.com (Sighted: 08/03/2010)