Gibungurrich Nairringit Gerald Blitner was born down from the Mission Settlement in Roper River. His mother Sarah was from Central Island group of the Vanderland Islands and his father was Frederick Charles Blitner. He and his older brother and sister grew up at Roper River Mission in the Northern Territory. His father left in search of work when he was young and died before he could be reunited with his son. In 1924, Blitner went to Groote Eylandt for schooling. At an early age Blitner envisaged that he would grow up to become a Missionary. During the Second World War he left the Mission to join the Air Force. Initially his entry was refused as he was classified as a Ward of the State, but he protested until he was accepted into the RAAF. Blitner served as the Chairman of the Northern Land Council.