Ettie Meredith was born at Durundur Settlement in Queensland and moved to Cherbourg Mission at the age of two. She married Percy Meredith. Their granddaughter Pamela Meredith in her 2006 'Submission to Inquiry into Stolen Wages of Indigenous Workers' said :
'The families and next of kin of deceased Indigenous workers like my father Paul Meredith (now deceased) and my maternal grandparents Cecil and Dora Wilson (nee Watson) and my paternal grandparents Percy and Ettie Meredith (nee Sunflower) should be entitled to claim for wages owing to them, which were never paid, and which contributed to their living in poverty.'
Source: Meredith, Pamela. 'Submission to Inquiry into Stolen Wages of Indigenous Workers'. 27/7/2006 (Sighted 31/3/2011)