The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development Department was renamed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Partnerships Agency Queensland on 2 February 2001. The department was re-named the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Department on 15 June 2001. On 13 September 2006 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Department was abolished and its functions transferred to the Communities Department.
'Since 1992, the Community and Personal Histories Branch of the Department of Communities has been assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to access Government and a variety of non-government records...This is a free service and in keeping with the Bringing Them Home Report recommendations...The Branch works closely with Link-Up... and stolen generation counsellors to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were removed from their families gain access to records' which will assist them with reconnecting to family and traditional country. Source: (Sighted 03/11/09)