Some facts about the life of Mathinna continue to prove elusive. Details that have been popularised remain the foundation of her resurgance as a historical figure. Mathinna was born on Flinders Island in the early 1830s. Her parents were Towterer and Wongerneep from Port Davey. Her father Towterer (or Towgerer) is understood to have been a senior figure of the Lowereenne people.
In 1839, Mathinna was taken into the custody of Government House to live under Governor Sir John and Lady Franklin with their daughter Eleanor. Upon the return of the Governor to England, Mathinna was sent to the Queen's Orphan School in New Town, Hobart. Fanny Cochrane Smith was also staying at the orphanage at the time. At sixteen, Mathinna left the orphanage for the Oyster Cove Aboriginal Settlement.
A small town in north east Tasmania is named after Mathinna. See the Wikipedia entry.