Founded in 2006, the Small Press Underground Networking Community (SPUNC) is a representative body for small and independent Australian publishers. A not-for-profit incorporation based in Melbourne, activities are overseen by a board of directors, SPUNC's manifesto is to promote independent publishing and support the principle of diversity within the publishing industry as a vital component of Australian literary culture. As its website notes: 'SPUNC is committed to working to ensure the continued viability of the independent publishing sector in Australia by facilitating collaborative initiatives, networking opportunities, and general communication between small and independent publishers' (sighted 2/09/10).
In addition to providing an online facility for members to sell their wares, SPUNC offers such services as professional development seminars, access to the SPUNC Digital Publishing Project, access to launch and workshop spaces at Melbourne's Wheeler Centre for Books Writing and Ideas, and invitations to take part in literary festival events and other industry panels.