'Starting out as Wide West Media in 1993, the Ebono Institute has evolved through magazine publishing, television production, online services and book publishing to develop a wealth of experience in media, business and technology.
'We delivered the first online news service in March 1995 using a content management system that allowed journalists to post stories from anywhere in the world. Now that blogs are revolutionising the way that media works, our 13 year old vision has been realised.
'Working with some of the largest industry associations in Australia, we delivered portals to the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australian Communications Forum, The Executive Connection and a range of media houses, before the word portal was invented.
'In 1999 we turned this technology to use in electronic book publishing, designing systems that reduced production costs and established a content repository for reuse of content on line and on paper.'
Source: Ebono website, http://www.ebono.com.au/
Sighted: 29/09/2009