Djolu Yunupingu is a member of the Gumatj clan and belongs to the Yirritja people. She went to school at Yirrkala and after finishing school, started working washing uniforms and cooking meals for the children.
After Djolu Yunupingu had married her father began to show her his painting techniques and she began designing, drawing and screen printing, T- shirts, fabric and burial cloths. Later in her life, she stayed at home doing her art, painting, carving and looking after her husband. After her husband passed away, she worked at the Women's Resource Centre creating ceramics and teaching health and hygiene to the children.
Djolu Yunupingu is a senior artist who works on bark. Her works are renowned for their intricate and delicate style. She also produces carved and painted wooden turtles. After Djolu had married her father began to show her his painting techniques.