'Nura Nungalka Ward (deceased) was a Yankunytjatjara woman from the Central Desert. Nura was born during a time when Central Desert people were leaving their homelands and entering a society they did not know. She was born at Katjikatji and spent her early years living at Ernabella. She was continually running away to join her parents, who were station workers, as she preferred living in the bush and being connected to country.
'Nura was a great storyteller, a matriarch, a strong Law woman and a consummate teacher of dance. She remained true to ‘Grandmother’s Law’. Nura wrote about her life because she wanted the world to know how she had grown up – learning etiquette from traditional living and relying on the land to supply all her needs and wants. Nura felt these customs would bring happiness into the lives of all those who would listen and learn. It was a philosophy she wanted us all to live by.'
(Source : Magabala Books)