Twelfth Planet was chosen as the name of the press around the same time that the XXVIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union met to decide whether Pluto should be downgraded to a planetoid. An argument also arose over the fate of several other similarly sized planetoids, which could also be accorded planet status if Pluto's formal designation remained unchanged.
Further Reference
Krasnostein, Alisa. 'Invisibility of Woman in Science Fiction, The.' Hoyden about Town, 10 June 2010. Online. (Sighted: 17/05/2011.)
---. 'Ten Important Things I've Learned about Publishing.' Ecstatic Days: Jeff Vandermeer, 2 Aug.
2010. Online. (Sighted: 17/05/2011.)
Strahan, Jonathan. 'Episode 17: Live with Alisa Krasnostein and Tansy Rayner Roberts! Interview
with Jonathan Strahan.' Notes from Coode Street, 12 Sept. 2010. Online. (Sighted: 16/06/2011.)
Tan, Charles. 'Interview: Alisa Krasnostein.' Bibliophile Stalker, 17 Feb. 2010. Online. (Sighted: 16/06/2011.)