Margaret Warner Margaret Warner i(A124364 works by)
Gender: Female
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'Margaret Warner has always been a writer. She wrote my first novel when she was about nine years old. It was called Double Trouble. She wrote chapter after chapter then put it away then somehow, over time it disappeared. She's been a primary teacher for a number of years, teaching students from age 6 to 12.' (Little Hare)

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Lone Pine Richmond : Little Hare Books , 2012 Z1854576 2012 single work picture book children's When a soldier on a World War I battlefield sends a pine cone home to his mother, he could not know that his simple gift would become a symbol of history and remembrance. Susie Brown and Margaret Warner's sensitive text is evocatively illustrated by Sebastian Ciaffaglione, and tells a story that is about both personal experience and a nation-defining event.(Trove)
2013 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Notable Book Picture Book
Last amended 12 Nov 2024 08:30:20
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