Filmmaker and writer Pauline Clague is from the Yaegl nation of Far North Coast of New South Wales. After studying the television introduction course at the Australian Film and Television Radio School in 1994 she became involved in the inaugural Indigenous Drama Initiative From Sand to Celluloid producing the short films for that series Round Up (1996). Since then she has produced eight short films and various documentaries through her own production company Core Films.
In addition to her own productions Clague was the series Producer and Acting Executive Producer for the ABC Television's Message Stick program between 2001 and 2003. During her time at the ABC she also directed and produced two compilation albums of Indigenous music and three live one hour concerts. Clague also produced two Australian Film Commission (AFC) drama initiatives and two drama initiatives with ScreenWest, the Western Australian Film and Television Institute (FTI) and the ABC called Deadly Yarns. She has also been a radio presenter for Kiss My Black Arts.