Theodore Ell Theodore Ell i(A121073 works by)
Gender: Male
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1 Turning Circle Theodore Ell , 2024 single work poetry
— Appears in: Australian Poetry Journal , vol. 13 no. 2 2024; (p. 122)
1 Les Murray’s Talking Mosaics Theodore Ell , 2024 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Literary Studies , 19 December vol. 39 no. 3 2024;

'Les Murray’s three huge scrapbooks, known collectively as his ‘Great Book,’ were deposited at the National Library of Australia in 2022. They offer salient insights into Murray’s aesthetic preferences and compositional procedures, in particular a preoccupation with intricate patterns in which the hierarchical relationships between components are abolished and perspective is flattened, as occurs in Greek, Roman and Byzantine mosaics. Numerous reproductions of such mosaics, assembled from miniature equalised pieces called tesserae, appear throughout the scrapbooks. This essay proposes that the mosaic is the nearest corollary for Murray’s own treatment of language in poetry. The essay offers the mosaic as a concept to focus insightful but disparate commentary on Murray’s style into a consistent analysis. The discussion then traces the evolution of Murray’s poetic style from its most likely inspirations – Gerard Manley Hopkins’s notions of inscape and instress, the Jindyworobak movement, possibly early modernist ideas of the stream of consciousness – to explore the mosaicist technique underpinning the large-scale world-building of Murray’s mature writing and the briefer poems of his late years. The mosaic concept allows us to perceive that style is as important as subject matter in evoking Murray’s ramshackle rural ‘Vernacular Republic’ and his Catholic mysticism, and it also allows a more integrative and sympathetic reading of Murray’s late poetry, despite the poetry’s shrinkage in scale and narrowing in scope.' (Introduction)

1 Bridge Over Nothing : Reflections of an Understated Narrator Theodore Ell , 2024 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , August no. 467 2024; (p. 63)

— Review of George Orwell’s Elephant and Other Essays Subhash Jaireth , 2023 selected work essay

'Subhash Jaireth is both a writer and a geologist. This collection of essays draws inspiration from the international roaming his geological work has involved. Most of the essays explore memories of the Soviet Union, where he studied, or ancient landscapes in Australia, where he has lived and worked since the 1980s, with personal detours to India and Spain.'  (Introduction)

1 Personalities : Stories That Need to Be Told Theodore Ell , 2024 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , July no. 466 2024; (p. 34)

— Review of The Long Lede Anthology : Stories That Want to Be Told 2024 anthology essay

'Stories That Want To Be Told is an oddly flat title for this stimulating anthology. Most of its contents are stories that need to be told. Even those that do not quite succeed in becoming more than their authors’ ‘passion projects’ are likely to leave readers better informed and more curious about little-known facets of today’s world.' (Introduction)

2 1 y separately published work icon Lebanon Days Theodore Ell , London : Atlantic Books , 2024 28007298 2024 single work autobiography

'From 2018 to 2021, writer and researcher Theodore Ell accompanied his wife on her diplomatic posting to Lebanon and unexpectedly found himself a witness to a country on the brink of collapse.

'In 2019, facing economic meltdown, the people of Lebanon rose up, united in a revolution of hope. With the country on the precipice of war, Covid-19 then swept in and the eerie quiet of lockdowns descended—a silence tragically shattered in August 2020, when Ell narrowly survived the largest ever non-nuclear peacetime explosion, which destroyed half of Beirut.

'Everywhere from calm cedar forests to crowded Beirut bars, Ell listened to stories of the Lebanese people and tried to make sense of the maze of ideas, desires and illusions that create the Lebanon of their imagination, a place in sharp contrast to reality.

'In prose as lucid as it is emotionally rich, and based on reportage that won Ell the 2021 Calibre Prize, Lebanon Days welcomes those who wish to understand more than news footage can convey. This is the story of a nation largely ignored by the rest of the world, a complex country driven over the edge but still seeking faith in itself, seen through the eyes of an outsider drawn into its intimate struggle.' (Publication summary)

1 Heyday Theodore Ell , 2023 single work poetry
— Appears in: Best of Australian Poems 2023 2023; (p. 79)
1 Tenebrae i "Nightfall on the sill. Trinkets, hardened dust. Sky", Theodore Ell , 2022 single work poetry
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , May no. 442 2022; (p. 41) Best of Australian Poems 2022 2022; (p. 181)
1 3 y separately published work icon Beginning in Sight Theodore Ell , Canberra : Recent Work Press , 2022 23667465 2022 selected work poetry

'Beginning in Sight is Theodore Ell’s first poetry collection. It brings together work written over more than ten years, tapping into the memories, life-stories and mirror-images that resist time and recouple bygone experience to the drifting world of today. The poems branch out from Ell’s original home of Sydney into its hinterland, the coast and the Hunter, snatching moments of respite and pleasure in troubled times, before finding new bearings in the Canberra region. Haunted by the presence of vanished lives and histories, these are poems of perseverance, endurance and a past that seems to know what is coming.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Façades of Lebanon : Winner of the 2021 Calibre Essay Prize Theodore Ell (presenter), 2021 23441822 2021 single work podcast
1 Sun-shower i "Late in the year, a lifted blind", Theodore Ell , 2021 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 31 July 2021; (p. 18)
1 1 Facades of Lebanon Theodore Ell , 2021 single work
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , July no. 433 2021; (p. 44-48)

'As the March and April evenings grew hotter, the streets of East Beirut were as empty as our calendars. The grumble of traffic had disappeared. Without the usual smokescreen, the nearby mountains and coastline were visible for weeks. Parks are scarce in Beirut and gardens are private, but this spring, vines and bougainvillea were clambering over the high walls and no one was trimming them. It was possible to take solitary walks and hear birdsong.' (Introduction)

1 Freehold i "Gale at Wollogorang", Theodore Ell , 2020 single work poetry
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 17 October 2020; (p. 17)
1 Alone i "How small a word it takes to fill a whole night.", Theodore Ell , 2013 single work poetry
— Appears in: Australian Love Poems 2013 2013; (p. 286)
1 Trekkers and Dancers i "And so the one morning. Sowing drawers", Theodore Ell , 2013 single work poetry
— Appears in: Australian Love Poems 2013 2013; (p. 183-184)
1 y separately published work icon Long Glances : A Snapshot of New Australian Poetry from the Inaugural Jean Cecily Drake-Brockman Poetry Prize Theodore Ell (editor), Manuka : Manning Clark House , 2013 7276766 2013 anthology poetry
1 Balmain People : Peter Gente di Balmain : Peter i "You know he's there, because your dog dashes=Tu sai che c'è, perché il tuo cane corre", Paolo Totaro , Theodore Ell (translator), 2012 single work poetry
— Appears in: Collected Poems (1950-2011) 2012; (p. 48-49)
1 Balmain People : Paddy Gente di Balmain i "What a struggle to stay relevant!=Che lotta mantenersi rilevante!", Paolo Totaro , Theodore Ell (translator), 2012 single work poetry
— Appears in: Collected Poems (1950-2011) 2012; (p. 46-47)
1 Balmain People Gente di Balmain Paolo Totaro , Theodore Ell (translator), 2012 sequence poetry
— Appears in: Collected Poems (1950-2011) 2012; (p. 42-49)
1 Balmain People : Mary Gente di Balmain : Mary i "Bent over the cart=Curva sul trabiccolo", Paolo Totaro , Theodore Ell (translator), 2012 single work poetry
— Appears in: Collected Poems (1950-2011) 2012; (p. 42-45)
1 y separately published work icon Contrappasso Magazine Matthew Asprey (editor), Theodore Ell (editor), 2012 Sydney : 2012- Z1876996 2012 periodical (4 issues)

'Contrappasso is an independent biannual magazine of international writing published in Sydney, Australia. It contains fiction and non-fiction, interviews and poetry, and appears both in print (POD) and e-book formats. Much of the magazine material, embellished with multimedia content, appears concurrently at this blog.'

Source: Contrappasso blog site,
Sighted: 30/07/2012