Angela Chaplin Angela Chaplin i(A11948 works by)
Gender: Female
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Angela Chaplin has been involved in professional theatre for over two decades and has directed a number of national and international productions. Angela has been Artistic Director of Arena Theatre Company, Magpie Theatre and Deckchair Theatre in Fremantle Western Australia. Angela's world premier productions include Voices, Barmaids, Ningali, Mavis Goes to Timor, 1300, Ashtrays and Luna.

Most Referenced Works

Personal Awards

Awards for Works

y separately published work icon Mavis Goes to Timor 2002 Sydney : Currency Press Playbox Theatre , 2003 Z1011419 2002 single work drama (taught in 1 units)

'The true story of Mavis, an 86 year old retired haberdasher from regional Victoria. Stung into action by the suffering of the East Timorese, Mavis took her sewing machines to Timor and set about making a practical contribution. Amid the destruction and buoyed by the people's overwhelming faith Mavis tackles the bureaucracy. This work is based on stories told by Mavis Taylor, Elwyn Taylor and the women of East Timor.' Libraries Australia record.

2003 winner AWGIE Awards Stage Award
2002 shortlisted Helpmann Awards for Performing Arts in Australia Best New Australian Work
2002 shortlisted Western Australian Premier's Book Awards Scripts
Last amended 14 Dec 2018 15:50:44
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