Kay Dreyfus Kay Dreyfus i(A118215 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 Composition as Calling : A Notable Activist and Musician Kay Dreyfus , 2023 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , May no. 453 2023; (p. 38-39)

— Review of Inner Song : A Biography of Margaret Sutherland Jillian Graham , 2023 single work biography

'Jillian Graham begins her biography of Margaret Sutherland (1897–1984) with a story that vividly captures two themes that recur throughout the book: Sutherland’s activism, and her sometime exclusion from Australia’s institutional musical life as it developed through her lifetime.' (Introduction)

1 1 y separately published work icon Bluebeard's Bride : Alma Moodie, Violinist Kay Dreyfus , Parkville : Lyrebird Press , 2013 7098512 2013 single work biography

'Alma Moodie is perhaps the most gifted violinist ever to have left Australia, acclaimed in Germany in her youth as a “rare apparition in the world of virtuosity”. Born in Mount Morgan, Queensland, in 1898, Moodie left Australia when she was nine for studies in Brussels with internationally renowned teachers. Through the tumultuous years of the First World War, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich she forged an exceptional career, playing with the likes of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under conductors including Nikisch, Furtwängler and Fritz Busch. Her untimely death in 1943 suggests that she was a victim of war just as surely as those many others whose fates were less ambiguous. By all accounts a charismatic personality and a prodigious musician, she left no recordings and has slipped into an obscurity as deep as it is undeserved. In piecing together the details of Moodie’s life, Kay Dreyfus reclaims her reputation as one of the outstanding violinists of her generation and as a leading exponent of the contemporary music of her day. ' (Publication abstract)

1 A Case of Discontiguity : Musical and Cultural Irony in the Situation of the Lubavitch Community of Shepparton, Victoria A Case of Discontiguity Kay Dreyfus , Bronia Kornhauser , 2007 selected work criticism
— Appears in: The Soundscapes of Australia : Music, Place and Spirituality 2007; (p. 117-146)
1 y separately published work icon Australasian Music Research no. 6 Kay Dreyfus (editor), 2001 Z1530436 2001 periodical issue