Re.Press Re.Press i(A115012 works by) (Organisation) assertion
Born: Established: Melbourne, Victoria, ;
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Works By

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1 3 y separately published work icon Lionel Fogarty : Selected Poems 1980-2017 Lionel Fogarty , Philip Morrissey (editor), Tyne Daile Sumner (editor), Prahran : Re.Press , 2017 11581168 2017 selected work poetry
3 22 y separately published work icon Reading the Country : Introduction to Nomadology Stephen Muecke , Paddy Roe , Fremantle : Fremantle Press , 1984 Z841102 1984 anthology prose Indigenous story (taught in 4 units)

'Reading the Country is a journey into Roebuck Plains, near Broome in Australia's far north-west; it is an exploration of the meaning of place, an attempt to chart the relationships between people and those specific places in which they must find a place to live. It is a journey through landscape into language and ideas, and personal and cultural location.' (Source: Publisher's Blurb, 1996 Revised Edition)

1 2 y separately published work icon Stretchmarks of Sun : Autofictional Fragments Dominique Hecq , Prahran : Re.Press , 2014 8508473 2014 selected work poetry

'Stretchmarks of Sun is informed by the crossing of borders—geographical, historical, formal and subjective. It explores autobiographical fragments drawing on the protagonist’s experience of dislocation and reconnection. It is poetry that draws together strands plucked from different disciplines, ways of knowing and art forms to reveal how home is made out of love and language.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Stretch Marks of Sun : Autofictional Fragments Dominique Hecq , Prahran : Re.Press , 2014 8025908 2014 selected work poetry

'Stretchmarks of Sun is informed by the crossing of borders-geographical, historical, formal and subjective. It explores autobiographical fragments drawing on the protagonist's experience of dislocation and reconnection. It is poetry that draws together strands plucked from different disciplines, ways of knowing and art forms to reveal how home is made out of love and language.' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon The History of My Body Larissa Bird , Prahran : Re.Press , 2012 Z1899054 2012 single work novel satire

'The History of My Body is a meditation on childhood, adolescence and young adulthood by an emerging Australian female writer. This is a history of the merciless, well-worn path of encounters and accomplices: of family and friends, of education and confusion, of solids, liquids and gas. History traditionally pertains to fact, but the story of the body of Larissa Bird descries no such truth. ' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Out of Bounds Dominique Hecq , Prahran : Re.Press , 2009 Z1789852 2009 sequence poetry 'Out of Bounds is a sequence of poems in three parts, i.e., 'The Gaze of Silence', 'Out of Bounds' and 'The Silence of the Gaze'. It is a double story of dislocation that explores autobiographical fragments drawing on the protagonist's experience of migration and motherhood. It draws together the two strands to reveal a subject at pains to re-define herself through language in a space circumscribed by sexuality, culture, and post-colonial politics.' (Publisher's blurb)
1 3 y separately published work icon The Trip : An Odyssey George Papaellinas , Seddon : Re.Press , 2008 Z1492280 2008 single work novel

'The Trip is the story of Odysseus or Oddy who claims he's as old as Arfstraya itself. He's brain-damaged, demented, deluded or just senile. He is an old beer-drinker who has drunk too much grog in his time; he is perpetually down the local pub; indeed, he just about lives there... Or he's been embittered by all the indignities he's suffered as a Greek migrant to Arfstraya or he's telling the truth and he really is one of the Olympian gods, an immortal, a minor deity, a demi- or semi-god who can even remember the dinosaurs...

'The Trip traverses Australian history, and features some prominent Australian historical personalities on the way.' (Publisher's blurb)

1 y separately published work icon Black River Justin Clemens , Helen Johnson (illustrator), Melbourne : Re.Press , 2007 Z1550851 2007 single work novel 'Black river is the autobiography of a nonexistent personage. Drawing on literary techniques developed by beckett, Burroughs and Borges, Black river plunges into a violent and surreal world from which the last traces of the gods have vanished.' - back cover
1 y separately published work icon Anomaly Re.Press (publisher), 2007 Melbourne : Re.Press , 2007- Z1492277 2007 series - publisher

'Anomaly is a series which publishes heterodox, eccentric and heretical works. Mashing fact with fiction, poetry with philosophy, fish with fowl, Anomaly is a laboratory of unprecedented writings.'

Source: website,
Sighted: 22/04/2008