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10 6 y separately published work icon The Underdog Markus Zusak , Norwood : Omnibus Books , 1999 Z56384 1999 single work novel young adult

'My name's Cameron Wolfe. I have a little bit of sense. I don't have much sense. My older brother Ruben gets me into plenty of trouble. I get Rube into as much trouble as he gets me into. I have a family, yes, that doesn't really function without tomato sauce. That's me.

'Cameron and Ruben Wolfe are brothers. They spend most of their time throwing one-handed boxing matches (they only have the one pair of gloves) and plotting to rob the local dentists. But what Cameron really wants is to meet a girl - a real girl, not like the ones in the lingerie magazines. But who could ever love an underdog like Cameron Wolfe?'

Source: Publisher's blurb (Dimensions ed.).

2 1 y separately published work icon Sadie and Ratz Sonya Hartnett , Ann James (illustrator), Camberwell : Puffin , 2008 Z1515517 2008 single work picture book children's This is a story about sibling rivalry features a child whose hands take on their own personalities. Sadie and Ratz, as she calls them, act seemingly independently to chastise her annoying little brother. When Baby Boy breaks a valuable clock and blames it on his sister, Sadie and Ratz seek justice. (Source: Trove)
8 6 y separately published work icon I Own the Racecourse! Patricia Wrightson , New York (City) : Harcourt Brace & World , 1968 Z43939 1968 single work children's fiction children's A boy who has an intellectual disability thinks he has bought a race track for three dollars, and until a solution to the problem can be found, only the patience and understanding of his friends keep him from being hurt by the truth.
13 36 y separately published work icon So Much to Tell You John Marsden , Glebe : Walter McVitty Books , 1987 Z386831 1987 single work novel young adult 'Fourteen year old Marina does not speak, and has not done so for some time. As the story starts, we do not know the reasons why, or for how long. Only that on her release from hospital she was sent to Warrington Boarding School. Soon after term begins, her English teacher gives her class the task of keeping a journal. It is through Marina's entries in this journal, that we learn some of her history. During a fight between her parents, she was accidentally scarred by some acid thrown by her father but intended for her mother. It was this event that brought on her mutism and withdrawal into herself. Gradually, Marina starts to open up, both in her journal entries and in her interactions with others, slowly, slowly, slowly recovering from her traumas, and cultivating the beginnings of new friendships.' (Source: Bookshelf)